Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess: Elly’s Observations

For our 106 Days of Creation Science Curriculum, we read this Burgess Book. Here's what Elly learned and commented upon.

1. Buster Bear likes berries.
2. He is afraid of Farmer Brown’s Boy.
3. He didn’t like the pail on his neck.
4. Farmer Brown’s boy was learning to be a philosopher—to be happy instead of mad, it could have been worse.
5. He likes fish and he goes to the pond.
6. He has clothes on, but real bears don’t.
7. He can talk, but real bears can’t.
8. Chatterer the Squirrel is scared of Buster Bear.
9. Chatterer climbs up tall trees…so does Buster Bear.
10. Chatterer didn’t know Buster Bear could climb.
11. Chatterer jumped from the top of the tree and he stretched out his arms, legs and tail so he wouldn’t fall so hard.
12. Sammy Jay and Blacky Crow they screamed because they like excitement.
13. Sammy Jay is blue and Blacky the Crow is black.
14. Sammy and Blacky like to make people not happy.
15. Buster got scared when everyone crowded around him and laughed at him.
16. Buster Bear growled and tried to get out of the pail.
17. Everyone left because they were scared of him because he lost his temper.
18. Blacky the Crow has clothes on…real crows don’t.
19. Buster Bear eats berries that aren’t his and someone picked them because he didn’t think of someone else.
20. Farmer Brown’s Boy likes blueberry pie.

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